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"A skilled doula empowers a woman to communicate her needs and perceptions and actualize her dream of a healthy, positive birth experience."
Why a Doula?

There are many reasons why a doula can benefit you and/or your partner. Birth is a very special and intimate time, why invite one more person along with you for the experience?


For years women have been supporting other women during their pregnancy, labor,birth, and postpartum period. It can come as a type of relief knowing you have one more person on your team whose main focus is to remind you that you are good enough, strong enough, and smart enough to birth and raise your child.


For your partner, there are times where it might become too much and they need a break. That's where I step in and take over. Or, if they feel too uncomfortable in their position as a main support system. I can offer you information as needed, and answer questions or even just reassure you that you're doing a good job!


Anxiety and stress can also be a huge factor that plays into your labor/birth experience. I'm here to ease your mind and remind you that you can do the task your body was made for. 


Having continuous support throughout your entire labor is something that is not always available in most birth settings other than your partner or any family members you welcome into the room with you. Continuous support, as explained by Chochrane, "Supportive care during labor may involve emotional support, comfort measures, information, and advocacy. These may enhance physiologic labor processes as well as women’s feelings of control and competence, and thus reduce the need for obstetric intervention." (Cochrane, 2011, p.6).



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Statistics of Having a Doula
  • Decreases the overall cesarean rate by 50%

  • The length of labor reduced by 25%

  • The use of Oxycontin reduced by 40%

  • Requests for an epidural go down by 60%

  • Reduces the need for forceps in delivery by 40%

  • Reduces requests for pain medication by 30%

Benefits of a Birth Doula
  • Discuss birth "wish-list" and visions for labor and delivery

  • Advocate for healthy communication between caregivers, support system, and/or partner

  • Physical support, assisting with breathing patterns, relaxation techniques, or sitting next to you and quietly supporting you

  • Demonstrating to your partner how they can assist you with different ways of helping you relax

  • Un-biased information when prompted

  • Biological knowledge of birth, labor, and postpartum both physical and emotional 

Benefits of a Postpartum Doula
  • Support for the fourth trimester 

  • Help with household chores, entertaining older children, performing small tasks to ease the responsibility on the new parent(s) shoulders

  • Evidence-based care for postpartum healing- both physical and emotional

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